Ki Myoung Yuna, b, Adi Bagus Suryamasa, Ferry Iskandara, d, Li Baoc, Hitoshi Niinumac and Kikuo Okuyamaa,
a Department of Chemical
Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, 1-4-1
Kagamiyama, Higashi Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8527, Japan
b Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, 335 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea
c Nippon Muki Co., Ltd., 415 Sakunoya, Yuki, Ibaraki 307-0046, Japan
d Department of Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Received 3 March 2010;
revised 3 September 2010;
accepted 6 September 2010.
Available online 15 September 2010.
Graphical abstract
mats with various morphology structures (
and composite particle/
were prepared by electrospinning for application to aerosol particle
filtration. The filtration performance was evaluated based on quality
factors generated from measurement of penetration through the filter by
sodium chloride (NaCl) aerosol particles ranging from 20 to 300 nm.
Research highlights
mats were prepared by electrospinning.
The morphology of
can be modified by changing the precursor concentration.
mats were used as filtration media of aerosol particles.
The filtration performance was evalutated based on quality factors.
The quality factor of beaded-
mats were the best.
Keywords: Filtration; Electrospinning;
; Aerosol particle; Quality factor; Optimization
1. Introduction
In recent years, polymer
have received considerable attention as promising materials for aerosol
filtration media, due to unique properties such as a high specific
surface area, a good interconnectivity of pores, and a small pore size,
which makes them preferable as an aerosol filtration media
[6] and
According to the filtration theory, a reduction in fiber size leads to
better filtration efficiency, and typically the mass and thickness of
filters are quite low compared to their micrometer-sized counterparts. However, the pressure drop across
filters is often substantially higher than it is across traditional filter media
[2] and
Electrospinning is a viable route for the production of exceptionally long and uniform polymer
Recent study has shown that the morphology of a polymer
can be easily controlled by varying the polymer concentration of the
precursor solution. Variations in polymer concentration result in
differing morphologies: microspherical particles, beaded-
nanofibers, and nanofibers
While electrospinning can be used to generate fibers of varying
morphological types, only the filtration performance of pure fibers has
previously been examined. To the best of our knowledge, there is no
report on the filtration performance of a modified-morphology
the present study, we propose a new direction in the development of
filtration media. The purpose of this work is to examine the performance
of electrospun fibrous filters in collecting aerosol nanoparticles.
Unlike previous studies, the effect of fiber morphology on filtration
performance (penetration and pressure drop) was determined. Three types
of polymer
mats with different morphologies, i.e.,
and composite particle/
were prepared and then the filtration performances of polymer
mats were evaluated based on quality factors by measuring the
penetration throughout the filter of aerosol particles ranging in sizes
from 20 to 300 nm.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Materials
Polyacrylonirile (PAN, Mw = 150 kDa) and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA, Mw = 90 kDa) were used in the experiment. PAN was used to prepare
mats and PMMA was used to prepare beaded-
mats, and polymer particles for composite particle/
mats. The PAN and the PMMA pellets were dissolved in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) to produce suitable concentrations of the polymer solution.
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Electrospinning
A schematic of the experimental system for the preparation of fibrous filter mats is shown in Fig. 1.
The polymer solution was placed into a hypodermic syringe that was
operated using a syringe pump (Harvard Apparatus PHD 2000). A stainless
steel needle attached to hypodermic syringe with an inner diameter of
700 μm was connected to a high voltage source (HERR 20R3, Matsusada)
with a suitable liquid flow rate. The highly charged polymer
and particles from the capillary were deposited on the rotating
cylinder collector, which was positioned at 15 cm from the tip of the
capillary for all experiments. A high-speed video camera (HPV-1,
Shimadzu Ltd., Japan) was used to observe the electrospun fiber during
the experiment. The morphologies of the prepared
mats were observed using a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM, S-5000, Hitachi Ltd., Japan).
Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental system for the preparation of fibrous filter mats.
2.2.2. Aerosol filtrations
Fig. 2
shows the schematic of the experimental system for the measurement of
nanoparticle penetration throughout the filter mats. The nitrogen gas
(3.9 L min−1) was sent into a NaCl evaporation–condensation aerosol generator that produced polydispersed NaCl nanoparticles [7].
An Am-241 bipolar charger was used to charge-neutralize the NaCl
particles, followed by particle-size selection using a nano-differential
mobility analyzer (Long-DMA, TSI model 3081, Shoreview, MN, USA).
Singly charged, monodispersed particles ranging from 20 to 300 nm exited
the Long-DMA in concentrations of 104 cm−3 and
were sent to the test filter. To charge-neutralize the particles, they
were passed through an Am-241 bipolar charger. The test filter was held
in a 20 mm diameter filter holder, and the flow rates at the DMA outlet
varied from 0.3 to 2.0 L min−1, which corresponded to a filter-face velocity of 5.3 cm s−1.
The concentration of particles at the filter outlet was measured using
an ultrafine particle counter (CPC, TSI model 3025) operated at a flow
rate of 0.3 L min−1. Particle penetration was determined by
measuring the concentration of particles at the filter holder outlet
with and without a filter installed, and then calculating the ratio of
the concentration of particles with the filter installed to the
concentration without the filter.
Fig. 2. Schematic of the experimental system for the measurement of nanoparticle penetration throughout the filter mats.
Fig. 3. The formation of particles (a), beaded fibers (b), and fibers (c) as a function of polymer concentration during electrospinning.
Table 1. Experimental parameters of tested filter mats and their properties. The
size distribution of the beads in BF filter mats and the polymer
particles in CF filter mats were also measured by the same fiber-size
method. The beads and particle size distribution are shown in Fig. 6.
Although the fibers were of uniform size, the sizes of the beads in the
BF filter mats were relatively polydispersed. The particle sizes in the
CF filter mats, however, were relatively monodispersed. The primary
determinants of formation of electrospun beaded
are as follows: solution viscosity, net charge density carried by the electrospinning jet, and surface tension of the solution [12].
Taking these factors into account, the formation of beaded fibers is
dependent on the stability of the electrically driven jet of the polymer
solution. Additionally, to produce a filtration media of uniform filter
thickness, the positions of both the capillary and collector shown in Fig. 1
were kept constant, which resulted in jet bending instability. Hence,
non-uniform beads were produced in the present study, as shown in Fig. 6.
During the electrospray process, however, uniform droplets could be
produced with a stable cone-jet of liquid at the outlet of the
capillary. Previous studies of polymer particle production via the
electrospray of various polymer solutions have produced particles that
were relatively monodispersed [9], [10] and [11].
Fig. 6. Size distributions of beads in beaded-
filters (a) and polymer particles in composite filters (b).
Fig. 7. Pressure drop versus velocity plot for three kinds of tested filters versus face velocity.
3.2. Measured particle penetration and the quality factor
The penetration of charge-neutralized nanoparticles in the size range of 20–300 nm for each filter tested is shown in Fig. 8.
Two filter mats for each type with different collection times were used
in the experiment. Filter thickness was controlled simply by adjusting
the collection time during electrospinning. In each test, the face
velocity was maintained at 5.3 cm s−1. The nanoparticle
penetration through the filters was decreased with increasing increments
of filter thickness. Nanoparticle collection typically is
diffusion-dominated. Therefore, the penetration increases as particle
diameter increases until it reaches a critical diameter size, which is
known as the most penetrating particle size (MPPS). For particle
diameters higher than MPPS, the penetration was slightly decreased for
each filter. High-efficiency filters for particle collection could be
easily produced by increasing the thickness of the filter; however, the
pressure drop across the filters increases linearly with filter
thickness, because the flow through electrospun filters obeys Darcy's
Law [13].
The penetration of the composite filters was decreased only slightly,
although increasing the collection time of the electrosprayed PMMA
particles dramatically increased the filter weight (Table 1). This observation indicates that insertion of the polymer particles into
filters has a small effect on nanoparticle penetration through the filters.
Fig. 8. Nanoparticle penetration through tested filter media.
The quality factor is often used to evaluate filtration performance, which is defined by the following equation:
where qf is the quality factor and Δp
is the pressure drop across the filter. The quality factor also is
known as a filter's figure-of-merit. This represents the ratio between
the efficiency and the pressure drops across a filter, and, thus, a
larger value indicates a better quality of filter. Fig. 9 shows the quality factor as a function of particle diameter for the tested filters in Fig. 8. The measured quality factor was the highest for the beaded-
filters and was the lowest for the
filter. A limited number of studies based on filtration theory have
investigated the quality factor effect for nanofibrous filters [6], [14] and [15].
On the basis of these studies, the quality factor is primarily a
function of the filter fiber diameter and the volume fraction. Both the
beaded fiber and composite filters enhanced the filtration performance
for particles in the MPPS range, although the polymer particles in the
composite filters had a very small effect on both pressure drop and
particle penetration. A possible reason for the enhancement of the
quality factor was the improvement of the volume fraction by the beads
and the PMMA particles in the
Kalayci et al. [14] obtained similar results when they found that insertion of polymeric microspheres into
resulted in a physical separation of the
layers, which improved nanofibrous filter performance for particles 300 nm in diameter [14]. The authors concluded that use of a spacer to increase the distance between
decreases the volume fraction of the structures; thus, filter
performance increases as air permeability increases. However, it seems
unlikely that the volume fraction is the only explanation for the
enhancement of filtration performance that results from use of either
beaded fiber filters or composite filters. Another possible explanation
is that electrospun
fuse to one another because of their extremely high aspect ratio and viscous-elastic properties. As a result,
might bundle together, forming pores in the web, which results in poor filtration performance [16]. Incorporation of microspheres into
to form either beaded fiber filters or composite filters decreases the
volume fraction and increases the effective fiber surface area.
Fig. 9. Quality factor of the tested filter.
4. Conclusions
filters with mean fiber diameters around 400 nm were prepared by
electrospinning for use as a filtration media. Three types of filter
mats (
and composite particle/
were examined to investigate the effect of morphology modification on
filtration performance. The performance of electrospun filters was
evaluated by measuring the penetration of monodispersed NaCl aerosol
particles (less than 300 nm in size) through the filters. The
penetration of nanoparticles through the electrospun filter media was
reduced by increasing the filter thickness, which was controlled by
adjustment of the collection time during electrospinning. For an
electrospinning collection time of 40 min, the quality factor for
composite particle/
nanofiber, and nanofibers
ranged between 0.2351–0.3560 Pa−1, 0.0947–0.2068 Pa−1, and 0.0511–0.1740 Pa−1, respectively. Overall, this method, which modifies the internal structure of electrospun
using microspheres, will allow the production of advanced fibrous
filter media. To enhance our understanding, controlling the size of
microspheres within nanofibrous filters will be the focus of our future
This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) No. 22246099 from the Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). We gratefully acknowledge
the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(MEXT) of Japan for the provision of doctoral scholarships (A.B.S.).
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