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Investigation of the figure of merit for filters with a single n

Jing WangCorresponding Author Contact Information, a, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Seong Chan Kima and David Y.H. Puia

aParticle Technology Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Received 7 June 2007; 
revised 14 September 2007; 
accepted 4 December 2007. 
Available online 8 December 2007.


We investigate filters composed of a layer of previous termnanofibersnext term on a substrate made of micrometer fibers and compare the performance of such previous termnanofibernext term media to conventional micrometer fibrous filters. The performance of the previous termnanofibernext term filters is evaluated using the figure of merit, which represents the ratio between the filtration efficiency and the pressure drop. Filtration tests were performed on four samples with different previous termnanofibernext term solidities. As the previous termnanofibernext term solidity increases, the filtration efficiency and the pressure drop both increase. We develop a numerical model to simulate the previous termnanofibernext term filters. When the previous termnanofibernext term solidity is appropriately adjusted, the pressure drop computed from the model is in good agreement with experimental results. Filtration efficiency for the previous termnanofibersnext term due to interception, inertial impaction and diffusion can be computed from the model. The simulation results are in good agreement with experiments for 20–780 nm particles but discrepancies exist for particles smaller than 20 nm. Our results show that previous termnanofibernext term filters have better figure of merit for particles larger than about 100 nm compared to conventional fiberglass filters. For particles smaller than 100 nm, previous termnanofibernext term filters do not perform better than conventional fiberglass filters.

Keywords: previous termNanofibernext term filters; Figure of merit

1. Introduction

previous termNanofibernext term media has emerged as a promising media which can provide a greater filtration efficiency and higher performance than conventional fibers. The non-woven industry generally considers previous termnanofibersnext term as having a diameter of less than View the MathML source (George, 2007). A number of companies are developing filtration media using previous termnanofibers,next term such as Ultra-Web® and Fibra-Web® previous termnanofibernext term media technology by Donaldson Company, Finetex Mats™ by Finetex Technology Inc., and AMSOIL Ea Air Filters. Subbiah, Bhat, Tock, Parameswaran, and Ramkumar (2005), George (2007)and Ellison, Phatak, Giles, Macosko, and Bates (2007) focused on manufacturing techniques for previous term Graham et al. (2002), Gradoń, Bałazy, and Podgórski (2006), Kalayci, Ouyang, and Graham (2006), Kim et al. (2006), Podgórski, Bałazy, and Gradoń (2006) and Barhate and Ramakrishna (2007) investigated production and filtration performances of previous term

Filtration efficiency and pressure drop are the most important criterions for evaluating filters. Filtration efficiency is equal to 1-penetration, where the penetration P is defined as

(1)View the MathML sourceThe relation between the penetration P and the single-fiber efficiency E can be written as

(2)View the MathML sourcewhere t is the filter thickness, α is the filter solidity and df is the fiber diameter.

The effects of the fiber size can be predicted from classical filtration theories. Let us consider the most penetrating particle size (MPPS) and the minimum single-fiber efficiency E*. As the fiber size decreases, the MPPS decreases and E* becomes greater ([Hinds, 1998] and [Lee and Liu, 1980]). The pressure drop is inversely proportional to the square of the fiber diameter for continuum regime (Davies, 1973). The increase of the pressure drop with decreasing fiber diameter is less steep for previous termnanofibersnext term due to the slip effect. Nevertheless, Δp increases significantly when the fiber diameter decreases even in the slip regime (Brown, 1993, p. 61) when the solidity is held constant. The classical filtration theories cited here indicate that the previous termnanofibernext term media can improve the filtration efficiency, but the greater pressure drop may be a concern. To evaluate the overall performance, a useful criterion is the figure of merit Q (also know as the quality factor, see Brown, 1993) which is defined as

(3)Q=-ln(P)/Δp.Since -ln(P) provides a measure of the filter efficiency, the figure of merit represents the ratio between the efficiency and the pressure drop Δp. Good filters give high efficiency and low pressure drop, thus larger values of Q indicate better quality of the filters.

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the filtration performance of previous termnanofibernext term filters and investigate if previous termnanofibernext term media can improve the figure of merit compared to conventional micrometer fibrous filter media. Podgórski et al. (2006) showed improved figure of merit for the MPPS when fibers with the mean diameter in the range of View the MathML source were used. The previous termnanofibersnext term in our samples have a diameter of about View the MathML source. In Section 2, we present the experimental results for the filtration efficiency and pressure drop, which are necessary in calculation of the figure of merit. In Section 3, a numerical model for the previous termnanofibernext term filters is presented and validated using the experimental data. The numerical model provides a tool to easily change the parameters such as previous termnanofibernext term diameter and solidity and evaluate their effects on the figure of merit. In Section 4, the figure of merit of previous termnanofibernext term filters is presented and compared to that of conventional fiberglass filter media. The effect of previous termnanofibernext term solidity on the figure of merit is also discussed.

2. Experimental evaluation

Our filter testing system has been detailed in the previous works (Kim, Harrington, & Pui, 2007; Wang, Chen, & Pui, 2007) and will only be briefly described here. In this study, penetration tests have been performed using 3–20 nm silver particles, 20–300 nm NaCl particles and 780 nm PSL particles. Silver particles were generated by heating a pure silver powder source in an electric furnace. The silver particles were then classified in a nanodifferential mobility analyzer (nano-DMA) and neutralized before being sent to challenge the filters. NaCl particles were generated by a collison atomizer and classified by a DMA. PSL particles were generated by a collison atomizer with a monodisperse PSL colloidal suspension. The particle concentrations upstream and downstream of the filter were measured by an ultrafine condensation particle counter (UCPC) after the particle concentrations were stable.

Tests were performed on previous termnanofibernext term filters composed of a layer of previous termnanofibersnext term on a substrate made of micrometer fibers. The previous termnanofibersnext term capture contaminants on the surface of the filter; the resulting dust cake is easily cleaned off during cleaning cycles, ensuring high filtration efficiency and long filter life. The substrate provides necessary support for the fragile previous termnanofibernext term layer. The SEM images in Fig. 1 show the structure clearly. Four different samples with different previous termnanofibernext term solidities are tested; Sample A has the highest solidity whereas Sample D has the lowest one. The substrates in the four samples are the same. We can define an effective previous termnanofibernext term solidity α (see Eq. (4) in Section 3), which represents the solid fraction in the previous termnanofibernext term layer. We determine the values of α by matching the pressure drop measured from experiments to those computed from simulations (see Fig. 5). The values of α are reported in Table 1. We assign α=0 when the bare substrate is considered because no previous termnanofibernext term layer is involved. The pressure drop and the filtration efficiency of 780 nm PSL particles at a face velocity of 10 cm/s are listed in Table 1. The previous termnanofibernext term layer can significantly improve the filtration efficiency. Even with a sparse previous termnanofibernext term layer as in Sample D, the efficiency is five times that of the substrate. Sample A has the highest efficiency at 80% but the pressure drop is more than 10 times higher than the substrate. The improved efficiency comes with the cost of high pressure drop.

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Fig. 1. SEM images for the previous termnanofibernext term filters composed of a layer of previous termnanofibersnext term on a substrate made of micrometer fibers. The solidity of the previous termnanofibersnext term decreases from Sample A to Sample D.

Table 1. The values of the effective previous termnanofibernext term solidity α for the four samples
Sample IDABCDSubstrate
previous termNanofibernext term solidity α0.1340.1040.0590.0340
Efficiency (%)80.0158.8438.4021.364.28
Pressure drop (Pa)29.414.

The pressure drop and filtration efficiency for View the MathML source PSL particles measured at the face velocity of 10 cm/s are also listed.

The pressure drop is measured at six face velocities up to 40 cm/s and the results are plotted in Fig. 2. The linear relationship between the pressure drop and the face velocity is in accordance with the Darcy's law. Penetration tests have been performed using 3–20 nm silver particles, 20–300 nm NaCl particles and 780 nm PSL particles. The data for penetration vs. the particle size are plotted in Fig. 3. The curves take a typical “Λ” shape, with the MPPS at about 100–200 nm. The value of the MPPS decreases as the previous termnanofibernext term solidity increases; it is approximately 200  nm for the substrate, 100 nm for Sample C and 75 nm for Sample A. The previous termnanofibernext term solidity increases from Sample D to Sample A, therefore the penetration decreases from D to A.

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Fig. 2. The pressure drop as a function of the face velocity for the previous termnanofibernext term filters.

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Fig. 3. Penetration vs. the particle size for previous termnanofibernext term filters. Silver nanoparticles (NP) in the range of 3–20 nm, NaCl in the range of 20–300 nm and 780 PSL particles are tested. The face velocity is 10 cm/s.

3. Numerical simulation of previous termnanofibernext term filters

We have developed a numerical model for fibrous filtration using the computational fluid dynamics code FLUENT. To simulate the previous termnanofibernext term filters, we need to take the specific structure of the previous termnanofibernext term Samples A–D into account. The two-dimensional model, illustrated in Fig. 4, represents a cross section of the filter. The single-layer previous termnanofibersnext term are described by evenly distributed circular fibers, whereas the substrate is modeled by a porous jump media, which is a simplified boundary condition represented by a one-dimensional line in FLUENT. The porous jump media gives the pressure drop across the substrate and ignores the detailed structure inside. The parameters used in the porous jump media, including the permeability View the MathML source and thickness of the substrate (0.15 mm), are both determined using experimental data. The two-dimensional model is a simplified approximation which ignores the different orientations of previous termnanofibersnext term and details in the substrate. This approach allows us to focus on the previous termnanofibersnext term and simplify the calculation.

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Fig. 4. The numerical model for the previous termnanofibernext term media composed of one layer of previous termnanofibersnext term and a substrate made of micrometer fibers.

Since the previous termnanofibersnext term have the same diameter and are distributed evenly in our model, we can consider only one fiber in our rectangular simulation domain (see Fig. 4). The left side of the simulation domain is the inlet of the flow, where the flow velocity is prescribed. The right side of the domain is the outlet, where the derivative of the velocity normal to the outlet is set to zero. For the upper and lower boundaries of the domain, periodic boundary condition is applied. The diameter of the previous termnanofibersnext term is determined from SEM images to be View the MathML source. The Knudsen number is Kn=2λ/df=0.88 under standard conditions, where λ is the mean free path of air. This Knudsen number indicates that molecular effects of gas are important. We use the slip condition (Eq. (3.60) in Brown, 1993) on the surface of the previous term Kirsch and Stechkina (1978) stated that results using the slip condition may be applied up to Knnot, vert, similar1. The distances from the inlet and outlet to the previous termnanofibernext term are about 25 times of the fiber diameter, which is sufficiently large so that upstream and downstream conditions do not unduly affect the simulation results (Liu, 1993). The distance h between two previous termnanofibers,next term which is also the width of the simulation domain, determines the solidity α, which is defined as

(4)View the MathML sourceIt should be noted that the solidity is defined for the previous termnanofibernext term layer only and the substrate is not involved.

The flow field in the simulation domain was computed and the pressure drop was obtained as the difference between the pressures at the inlet and outlet. We adjusted the solidity to match the pressure drop measured in experiments. We used α=0.134, 0.104, 0.059 and 0.034 for Samples A, B, C, and D, respectively. Fig. 5 shows that the pressure drop computed from the model increases linearly with the face velocity. The pressure drop from experiments also has a linear relation with the face velocity. Since we adjust the solidity in our model to match the experimental results, the two linear curves agree well with each other as expected.

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Fig. 5. Comparison of the pressure drop across the nonofiber filters at different face velocities from experiments and the numberical model.

We computed the filtration efficiency due to inertial impaction and interception by use of the discrete phase model in FLUENT. This model calculates the trajectories of particles using a Lagrangian formulation that includes the particle inertia and hydrodynamic drag. Since we are considering the efficiency due to inertial impaction and interception, the gravity forces and random forces due to Brownian motion are not included. The particles are considered to be point masses in the discrete phase model and the size is neglected. To overcome this defect, we wrote a user defined function (UDF) to take the particle size into account. The UDF compares the particle radius with the distance from the center of the particle to the surface of the fiber, and determines whether the particle is captured or not. Single particles were released at the inlet from different distances from the horizontal line going through the center of the fiber. The fate of the particle (captured or escape) was determined and the critical distance Y below which the particle was captured by the fiber was obtained. The efficiency was obtained as Y/(df/2). The efficiency computed using this approach was due to the combined effects of inertial impaction and interception, which was denoted as EI+R.

The efficiency due to diffusion may be obtained by solving the convective diffusion equation for the particle concentration ([Friedlander, 1957] and [Lee and Liu, 1982]; [Natanson, 1957a] and [Natanson, 1957b]; Stechkina, 1966, among others). The domain of simulation was the same as for the flow. The particle concentration was prescribed at the inlet. Particles were assumed to be captured as they contacted the fiber and were permanently removed from the aerosol stream, thus the particle concentration was zero on the surface of the fiber. The periodic condition was imposed on the upper and lower boundaries of the domain. The derivative of the particle concentration normal to the outlet was set to zero. After the convective diffusion equation was solved, the distribution of the particle concentration was obtained. The ratio between the particle concentrations at the outlet and inlet was the penetration when diffusion was considered. This penetration was converted to the efficiency due to diffusion ED using Eq. (2). The filter thickness in Eq. (2) was equal to the fiber diameter, since only one layer of fiber was considered. We computed the total efficiency as EI+R+ED, and obtained the penetration across the previous termnanofibernext term layer using Eq. (2) and the total efficiency.

Our simulation gives the penetration for the previous termnanofibernext term layer, not for the substrate because the detailed structure in the substrate is ignored. To obtain the total penetration for the composite filter, we assume (i) the previous termnanofibernext term layer and the substrate act independently and in series to capture particles; (ii) the penetration through the substrate in the composite filter is the same as that through the bare substrate. Based on these assumptions, we can compute the total penetration as

(5)P=PN×PS,where PN and PS are the penetrations through the previous termnanofibernext term layer and the substrate, respectively. We compute PN from simulation and measure PS in experiments, then obtain P using Eq. (5). We list the simulation results for Sample C in Table 2. The results for Samples A, B, C and D are plotted in Fig. 6 and compared to experimental data. Excellent agreement is obtained for 20–780 nm particles. The key parameters for filter evaluation, the maximum penetration and the MPPS, are correctly predicted for each sample. These results provide solid validation of our numerical model. It is also noted that the penetrations measured in experiments are higher than those predicted by the numerical model for particles smaller than 20 nm. More discussion about this discrepancy will be given at the end of this section.

Table 2. Simulation results for Sample C for the efficiency due to inertial impaction and interception EI+R, the efficiency due to diffusion ED, and the total penetration across the composite filter P
Particle size (nm)52050100300780
P (simulation) (%)9.370.589.993.887.965.1
P (experiment) (%)26.67588.592.288.161.6

The simulation results for P are compared to those from experiments.

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Fig. 6. Penetration P vs. particle size dp for previous termnanofibernext term Samples A–D. The results from experiments and the numerical model are compared.

Analytical expressions for filtration efficiencies and pressure drop with slip effect exist in the literature ([Kirsch and Stechkina, 1978] and [Brown, 1993]). Most of these expressions are based on the Kuwabara flow field with the slip condition. Our numerical model is different from the analytical expressions in several aspects. The geometry considered in our model involves a layer of fibers in front of a porous jump media. In the Kuwabara flow, a fiber is enclosed in a circular cell and the cell boundary is used to represent the influence of neighbor fibers of the same size in all directions. The geometry in our model is closer to the real structure of the previous termnanofibernext term samples in this study. We impose the inlet and outlet conditions far away from the fiber. In the Kuwabara flow, artificial boundary conditions are imposed on the cell boundary and close to the fiber. In our model, the slip effect is considered in the calculation of the efficiency due to inertial impaction and interception. Analytical expressions with slip effect for the efficiency due to inertial impaction are not available.

For a quantitative comparison with the analytical expressions with slip effect, we use formulas in Brown (1993) to compute the pressure drop and filtration efficiency for our previous termnanofibernext term Sample C. The pressure drop based on the Kuwabara flow with slip effect is (Brown, 1993, Eq. (3.65)):

(6)View the MathML sourcewhere μ is the air viscosity and Uf is the face velocity. The effective previous termnanofibernext term solidity determined by matching the pressure drop from our simulation to experimental data is α=0.059. This value may not be good for use in the analytical expressions based on the Kuwabara flow. Thus we change α in Eq. (6) and compute Δp for the previous termnanofibernext term layer, then add on the pressure drop across the substrate measured in experiments, to obtain the total pressure drop. This value is compared to the pressure drop for Sample C measured in experiments. The computed pressure drop matches the experimental value when α=0.032. Therefore, we use α=0.032 as the effective previous termnanofibernext term solidity for the expressions based on the Kuwabara flow. Brown (1993) listed following expressions for the efficiency due to interception ER and the efficiency due to diffusion ED:

(7)View the MathML source

(8)View the MathML sourcewhere R is the ratio of the particle diameter to the fiber diameter, Pe is the Peclet number. Analytical expressions with slip effect for the efficiency due to inertial impaction are not available. Nevertheless, we use the expression (Stechkina, Kirsch, & Fuchs, 1969) without slip effect to estimate the efficiency due to inertial impaction EI:

(9)View the MathML sourcewhere J=(29.6-28α0.62)R2-27.5R2.8 for R<0.4 and J=2.0 when R>0.4, and Stk is the Stokes number of the particle. The results computed using Eqs. (7)(9) are listed in Table 3. The previous termnanofibernext term solidity α=0.032 is used in the calculation and the results should be compared to the experimental data for Sample C. The efficiencies computed from the analytical expressions can be compared to those from our numerical model (Table 2). The efficiency (ER+EI) from the analytical expressions is significantly larger than EI+R from our numerical model. ED from the analytical expression is also larger than that from our numerical model except for very small particles. As a result, the penetration from the analytical expressions is lower than that from our simulation for 20–780 nm particles, and is also lower than the experimental data. In the range of 20–780 nm particles, our numerical model gives more accurate prediction for the filtration efficiency than the analytical expressions.

Table 3. Calculation results for Sample C using analytical expressions (7), (8) and (9)
Particle size (nm)52050100300780
P (calculation) (%)12.068.485.989.679.347.0
P (experiment) (%)26.67588.592.288.161.6

The total penetration across the composite filter P is also computed and compared to experimental data.

The results in Fig. 6 and Table 2 show that the penetrations measured in experiments are higher than those predicted by the numerical model for particles smaller than 20 nm. They are also higher than the penetrations computed using analytical expressions for particles smaller than 20 nm (Table 3). Podgórski et al. (2006) performed filtration tests for filters with the mean fiber diameter in the range of View the MathML source. Their results also showed that the penetrations from experiments were higher than those predicted from filtration theory for very small particles (Podgórski et al., 2006, Figs. 13 and 14). One possible reason for the discrepancy is related to the non-uniformity in fiber sizes and polydispersity of the filter pores. As discussed by Podgórski et al. (2006), the inhomogeneity in the filter structure may lead to zones of higher local porosity and result in higher penetration. Another possible reason is related to our assumption that the previous termnanofibernext term layer and the substrate act independently to capture particles. The diffusion coefficients of very small particles are large and the range in which the diffusion capture mechanism is effective is wide. Therefore, capture of very small particles by the previous termnanofibernext term layer and by the substrate may not be independent. This can cause discrepancy between the model and the experimental results.

4. Analysis for the previous termnanofibernext term filter performance

Our filter testing results show that addition of previous termnanofibersnext term improves the filtration efficiency, but increases the pressure drop at the same time. We use the figure of merit Q to evaluate the overall performance of the previous termnanofibernext term filters.

We compute Q for Samples A–D and the substrate using the experimental data; the results are plotted as a function of the previous termnanofibernext term solidity α in Fig. 7. The three curves are for 20, 150 and 780 nm particles. The particle size 150 nm is close to the MPPS, at which the values of Q are expected to be low. Indeed the curve of Q for 150 nm is lower than those for 20 and 780 nm. We make the following observations by comparing the values of Q of Samples A–D and the substrate. (1) The effects of previous termnanofibersnext term on Q are dependent on the particle size. (2) For a small particle size (e.g. 20 nm), the value of Q drops as the previous termnanofibernext term solidity increases. This is because the increase of the pressure drop outweighs that of the efficiency. (3) For a particle size near the MPPS (150 nm) or a large particle size (e.g. 780 nm), addition of previous termnanofibersnext term can improve Q. The major concern in filter evaluation is the quality at the MPPS and our result confirms that then anofibers can enhance the quality. (4) The value of Q is not a monotonic function of the previous termnanofibernext term solidity. Sample C with a moderate previous termnanofibernext term solidity (α=0.059) has the highest Q for 780 nm particles. Sample B has a higher previous termnanofibernext term solidity (α=0.104) but lower values of Q compared to Sample C. These observations show that the design of previous termnanofibernext term filters needs to take the particle size in the application into account. It is not always better to add more previous termnanofibersnext term to the filter; there exist optimal previous termnanofibernext term solidities at which the figure of merit is at maximum.

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Fig. 7. The figure of merit Q as a function of the previous termnanofibernext term solidity α. Note that α=0.034, 0.059, 0.104 and 0.134 for Samples D, C, B and A, respectively, and α=0 for the substrate. The three curves are for 20, 150 and 780 nm particles. The face velocity is 10 cm/s for all cases.

Kalayci et al. (2006) investigate the figure of merit of previous termnanofibernext term filters. They argued when solidity increases, the pressure drop increases at a much faster rate than single fiber efficiency due to either diffusion or interception, based on the equations cited by Brown (1993). Therefore, the figure of merit decreases with increased solidity for small particles. For larger particles, it is possible that combined single fiber efficiency due to interception and inertial impaction can increase faster than pressure drop. Their argument agrees qualitatively with our experimental results.

It is of interest to compare the figure of merit of previous termnanofibernext term filters with those of conventional filters. In Table 4 we list characteristic parameters for four standard fiberglass filter media. The HE type filters are close to HEPA for small particles; the HF type filters are common in HVAC systems. The HE type filters have higher efficiencies than the HF filters. Filtration test results for the standard filter media have been reported in the previous studies ([Japuntich et al., 2007], [Kim et al., 2007] and [Wang et al., 2007]). Here we compute the figure of merit for them and compare to previous termnanofibernext term Sample C in Fig. 8. The choice is because Sample C has an effective previous termnanofibernext term solidity close to the solidity of the standard filters. Sample C shows higher values of Q than the standard filter media for particles larger than 100 nm. For particles smaller than 100 nm, Q of Sample C is between those of HF0031 and HF0012. Among the standard filter media, the HF filters have higher values of Q for particles smaller than 100 nm, whereas the HE filters have slightly higher values of Q for larger particles.

Table 4. Characteristic parameters for four standard fiberglass filter media
Thickness (cm)0.0530.0690.0740.074
Effective fiber diameter (μm)
DOP % penetration View the MathML source at 5.3 cm/s12.83945.879.9
Pressure drop at 5.3 cm/s (mmH2O)

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Fig. 8. Figure of merit for the previous termnanofibernext term filter Sample C and standard fiberglass filter media HE1073, HE1021, HF0031 and HF0012. The face velocity is 10 cm/s for all cases.

To understand the above results, we use analytical expressions for the pressure drop (6) and filtration efficiency (7)–(9) to compute the figure of merit for both micrometer fibers and previous term We consider four different fiber sizes, 0.15, 0.5, 5 and View the MathML source. We also consider a composite filter composed of a layer of View the MathML source fibers and a substrate of View the MathML source fibers. For all the cases, the face velocity is 10 cm/s and the particle density is View the MathML source. The solidity is α=0.05 for all the filters with uniform fiber sizes; it is also 0.05 for the previous termnanofibernext term layer and for the substrate in the composite filter. The filter thickness is not needed to compute the figure of merit for filters with uniform fiber sizes, but is required for the composite filter. We set the thickness to be View the MathML source for the single layer View the MathML source fibers, and 1 mm for the substrate of View the MathML source fibers. The pressure drop of the composite filter is the sum of the pressure drops of the previous termnanofibernext term layer and the substrate; the penetration of the composite filter is the product of the penetrations of the previous termnanofibernext term layer and the substrate. The calculated results are shown in Fig. 9. It can be seen that Q for small particles decreases as the fiber size decreases, and Q for large particles increases as the fiber size decreases. The composite filter shows similar Q as the View the MathML source fibers for small particles, and higher Q than the View the MathML source fibers for large particles. These features agree qualitatively with the experimental data shown in Fig. 8. Therefore, our experimental data can be explained using classical filtration theories.

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Fig. 9. Figure of merit computed using analytical expressions. Four different fiber sizes, 0.15, 0.5, 5 and View the MathML source, and a composite filter composed of a layer of View the MathML source fibers and a substrate of View the MathML source fibers are considered.

Podgórski et al. (2006) carried out similar calculation for the figure of merit for fibers down to View the MathML source. They used analytical expressions for filtration efficiencies due to diffusion and interception with slip effect and omitted the efficiency due to inertial impaction. The expressions they used are slightly different from the ones used by us. Their calculated results agree with ours shown in Fig. 9. Hinds (1998) discussed the effect of fiber size on filter quality, considering all the mechanical filtration mechanisms without the slip effect. His Fig. 9.12 indicates that the filter quality decreases with decreasing df for View the MathML source, but increases with decreasing df for View the MathML source. These results agree well with our experimental data.

Our experimental results and analysis show that decreasing fiber size does not improve the figure of merit for very small particles. On the other hand, previous termnanofibernext term filters demonstrate better figure of merit for larger than 100 nm compared to conventional fiberglass media. These results provide important guidelines for design of filtration systems.

5. Conclusion

Filters composed of a layer of previous termnanofibersnext term on a substrate made of micrometer fibers are studied. Experimental results show that both the filtration efficiency and the pressure drop increases as the previous termnanofibernext term solidity increases. We develop a numerical model to simulate the previous termnanofibernext term filters. The simulation results are in good agreement with experiments for 20–780 nm particles but discrepancies exist for particles smaller than 20 nm. The discrepancies are attributed to the non-uniformity in the filter structures and the breakdown of the assumption that the previous termnanofibernext term layer and the substrate capture particles independently. The filtration performance of previous termnanofibernext term filters is evaluated in terms of the figure of merit, which depends strongly on the particle size under consideration and the previous termnanofibernext term solidity. The figure of merit decreases with increased solidity for small particles; for particles near the most penetrating particle size, increasing previous termnanofibernext term solidity may improve the figure of merit. We demonstrate that the previous termnanofibernext term filters have better figure of merit for particles larger than about 100 nm compared to conventional fiberglass filters. For particles smaller than 100 nm, previous termnanofibernext term filters do not perform better than conventional fiberglass filters.


The authors thank the support of members of the Center for Filtration Research: 3M Corporation, Cummins Filtration Inc., Donaldson Company, Inc., E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Samsung Semiconductor Inc., Shigematsu Works Co., Ltd., TSI Inc., and W.L. Gore & Associates and the affiliate member National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Support of University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI) is also acknowledged. The authors thank Dr. Kenneth Rubow for enlightening discussions.


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