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Can we grow buildings? Concepts and requirements for automated n

Can we grow buildings? Concepts and requirements for automated nanonext term- to meter-scale building

Danijel Rebolja, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Martin Fischerb, Drew Endyc, Thomas Moored and Andrej Šorgoe

a University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Construction Informatics Center, Smetanova 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia

b Stanford University, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, United States

c Stanford University, Department of Bioengineering, United States

d Michigan State University, Nanorobotic Systems Lab, United States

e University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Biology, Slovenia

Received 2 April 2010; 
revised 25 August 2010; 
accepted 27 August 2010. 
Handled by Prof. I. Smith. 
Available online 20 September 2010.


The construction industry will have to find new ways of building to accomplish radical reductions of pollution and waste. previous termNanonext term and biotechnology along with information technology have the potential to constitute a new building paradigm. The paper describes the concept of previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building, which is based on this potential. The concept is not focused on the application of nanomaterials like nanosilica or carbon nanotubes, but on a new way of building, which unfolds from the previous termnanonext term into the meter range. It is based on bionanorobots, producing building materials using carbon extracted from CO2 in the air. Criteria and requirements regarding relevant technologies are defined and compared to the current research in the fields of bioengineering, nanorobotics, and characteristics and production of carbon nanotubes. The paper also presents a concept of a new building technology that would enable control and monitoring of construction at the previous termnanonext term level, as well as requirements regarding design methods and tools including the building information model that will become the only human input to the automated previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building process. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research and development.

Graphical abstract

Research highlights

► A digital model of a building is projected to a production surface. ► Bionanorobots, powered and controlled by projected light, interpret wavelengths into instructions. ► Build 3D carbon nanotube structures. ► Grows from previous termnanonext term- into meter-scale and forms the building.

Keywords: previous termNanonext term- to meter-scale building; Automated building; Nanotechnology; Nanorobotics; Biotechnology; Building information modeling

Article Outline

1.1. Nanotechnology overview
1.1.1. Nanomaterials based on carbon
1.1.2. Nanorobotics
1.1.3. Nanomanufacturing
1.2. Nanotechnology in construction
1.3. 3D printing
1.4. Biological technology
The concept of building from nano to meter-scale
Required technologies
3.1. The building material
3.1.1. Energy requirements
3.1.2. The source of the raw material
3.2. Bionanorobots
3.3. Building information model (BIM) and nano- to meter-scale building equipment

1. Introduction

Since the beginning of their evolution, humans have started to change the environment according to their needs. One of the first activities was to build a shelter, which later became a house. Wood, stones and other materials have been used either in their original or modified form in more or less skilled ways with the invention of concrete marking a breakthrough in building materials. Most building projects today still rely on these tradition materials and their associated processes.

Development of the core previous termnanonext term and biotechnologies is leading to results that are extremely interesting for the production of buildings on the previous termnanonext term level, growing them on site from the previous termnanonext term into the meter range. Although areas like nanorobotics, molecular nanotechnology, programmable materials, and programmable cells are still considered to be speculative to some extent, their fast development encouraged our systematic research of new ways for modeling and construction of buildings using bio-previous termnanonext term-technologies. The main motivation, however, was the recognition that, if designed in a sustainable way, the new ways of previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building (n2mb) could significantly reduce the many negative impacts of traditional construction and operation of buildings on the environment. The cement industry itself produces about 5% of global man-made CO2 emissions [1], and there are vast amounts of other materials such as steel and glass that have to be produced, transported, and installed.

The “vision of buildings that build themselves” is not new. It has been often expressed by visionaries, but only as some future technology, for which we have to wait. Zhu et al. in [2] wrote: “One of the ultimate goals of nanotechnology is molecular manufacturing based on self-assembly or self-replicating previous termnanonext term-machines. Though there is increasing evidence indicating that molecular manufacturing is possible, full molecular nanotechnology capability is unlikely to be developed for at least one or two decades. However, extensive efforts toward that goal – in particularly studies in biomimetics to better understand and replicate or mimic nature’s version of molecular nanotechnology – will have huge potential for new materials and processes applicable to construction in the next 10–15 years.” The same authors have also noticed that “nanotechnology R&D in the broad area of construction and the built environment lags behind other industrial sectors.” Our motivation to begin with conceptual top-down design of a previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building system before nanotechnology delivers the necessary basic technologies is to accelerate the process. By formulating the requirements we intend to encourage researchers in bio and nanotechnology to direct their bottom-up research towards them. With the interdisciplinary top-down and bottom-up research we want to develop test beds in which we will be able to study the concepts and develop technologies that will help the construction industry to reach the ultimate goal, the fully automated previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building.

The main aspect in the presented concept is, however, information. It is the essence of the building information model, which becomes the full recipe for the realization of a building and is the only direct product of human activity in the process. It integrates the documentation of the building design with the instructions and controls to construct the building by organizing the flow of information from the 3D model to the previous termnanonext term-production level, thus enabling the control of the production process from the previous termnanonext term- to the meter-scale.

1.1. Nanotechnology overview

Nanotechnology is based on the study of the control of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. It has the potential to create new materials and devices with applications in medicine, electronics, energy production, and also construction. Typically, an atom has a diameter of a few Ångstroms (1 Å = 0.1 nm = 10−10 m), a molecule’s size is a few nm, and clusters or nanoparticles formed by hundreds or thousands of atoms have sizes of tens of nm. There is a large body of literature giving an overview of nanotechnology (e.g. [3], [4] and [5]), but the origin of this encompassing field is often attributed to Richard Feynman and his now legendary talk “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” [6] where Feynman laid bare both the potentials and challenges of developing previous termnanonext term-scale technology. Several years later another landmark was set by Drexler with his paper on molecular manufacturing [7]. In this publication, Drexler established his own vision of molecular manufacturing by integrating Feynman’s concepts with his ideas of fabricating objects with atomic specifications using designed protein molecules. Drexler states that molecular manufacturing and the construction of “previous termnanonext term-machines” is a product of an analogous relationship “between features of natural macromolecules and components of existing machines.” He additionally includes a table that outlines, by function, the molecular equivalents to macroscopic technologies. Drexler in his controversial book Engines of Creation [8] went a step further in predicting self-replicating nanorobots: “Molecular assemblers will bring a revolution without parallel since the development of ribosomes, the primitive assemblers in the cell. The resulting nanotechnology can help life spread beyond Earth – a step without parallel since life spread beyond the seas; it can let our minds renew and remake our bodies – a step without any parallel at all.” Although his theories of “gray goo” and molecular manufacturing were later criticized, Drexler’s work had a profound impact on the establishment of nanotechnology as a scientific field. With the invention of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope in 1981 and the Atomic Force Microscope in 1986 nanotechnology started to be developed through the scientific method rather than through the conceptual and thus untestable visions. The study of carbon Buckyballs, discovered at Rice University in 1985/1986, and the manipulation of individual xenon atoms on a nickel surface to form the letters IBM by Eigler, directed further trends in nanotechnology research and Drexler’s ideas were put aside for some time [9]. Self-assembly and nanorobotic manufacturing did, however, never disappear entirely from the agendas of researchers, and it seems that the practical and the visionary research paths are beginning to merge. Although today most of the research and development in nanotechnology is focused on applications in electronics and medicine, it is growing exponentially in all directions (a Roadmap is given in [10]). Many predict it will change our lives in the coming decades. In the following subsections we will focus on areas of nanotechnology that are related to the idea of previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building: carbon nanomaterials, nanorobotics, and nanomanufacturing.

1.1.1. Nanomaterials based on carbon

One important reason to concentrate on materials consisting of carbon only is that carbon nanomaterials can be designed to have a range of extraordinary properties. The other reason is to avoid pollution caused by material production and transportation. Therefore we have based our concept on extracting carbon from CO2 from the air on site.

Carbon-based materials have found many applications as high-performance materials where high strength and low weight are key concerns such as in aerospace, professional racing, and civil engineering. The higher performing carbon materials contain a larger portion of graphite and a more crystalline structure. However most of today’s commercially available products utilize carbon previous termfibersnext term of varying characteristics. These can vary in physical dimensions, carbon content and crystalline structure [11]. The widespread use of carbon materials over the past decades has proven their value as a structural material. Recent advances in carbon materials, e.g. Fullerenes [12] and [13], offer a promise of carbon materials with properties not realized by any other material type. One material of interest to both complement and potentially supersede current carbon previous termfibernext term materials are atomically precise carbon nanotubes (CNT).

Since the discovery of CNT in the early 1990s [14] there has been a concerted effort to both characterize and control nanotube properties through careful preparation during synthesis. The predicted properties of atomically precise CNT lend themselves well to a wide range of applications in electronics, thermoelectric and structural materials, and while commercial quantities of defect-free tubes are not yet available, CNT are beginning to find use in materials today [15].

The impressive properties of CNT make them especially appealing in use as structural and mechanical materials. The tensile strength of CNT has been measured to be in the 10 s of GPa with a Young’s modulus on the order of a TPa [15]. CNT have been shown to be chemically stable due to their unique geometric structure [16]. The increased use of CNT in commercial applications will depend heavily on better production methods with an emphasis on the control of physical properties and producing bulk quantities. However CNT are employed in a wide range of nanomaterials today. Many of these materials are composite materials created by combining CNT with other more conventional structural materials to enhance strength and other performance-related characteristics. This is especially true in polymer-based composite materials where the focus of carbon nanotube research has taken place [17]. However CNT are now finding uses in ceramic and metal matrix composites. Kuzumaki et al. [16] has reported an increase in hardness and Young’s modulus of Ti/nanotube composites when compared with pure Ti, and Zhan et al. [17] report a threefold increase in toughness in alumina-based materials with further progress expected.

1.1.2. Nanorobotics

Nanorobotics is an emerging field of nanotechnology that deals with the controlled manipulation of previous termnanonext term-scale objects [18]. So far interactions with atomic- and molecular-sized objects are based on several approaches. Industrial nanorobotics use complex microscopes (AFM – Atomic Force Microscope, or SEM – Scanning Electron Microscope [19]; strategies of nanomanipulation under various microscopes are shown in [20]) to control and sense nanomanipulation. A Sandia report [21] gives a good overview of research in the field. Bio-nanorobotics is focused on bio-inspired mechanisms, actuators, sensors and robots evolving in biological environments [22], inventing new design methods and tools [23]. Molecular biomimetic is an emerging field in which hybrid technologies are developed by using the tools of molecular biology and nanotechnology. Polypeptides can now be genetically engineered to specifically bind to selected inorganic compounds for applications in previous termnanonext term- and biotechnology [24]. This approach is seen as very promising in the near future as we are learning from nature how to design highly efficient and powerful artificial previous termnanonext term-machines for complex operations in diverse realistic environments, leading to practical nanoscale applications in the not so distant future [22]. Currently, bio-nanorobotics development focuses on applications in medicine [25] and [26].

1.1.3. Nanomanufacturing

There are two main approaches to previous termnanonext term-scale manufacturing. These have been labeled top-down and bottom-up by the nanotechnology community [27]. Top-down manufacturing methods consist of conventional micro-fabrication techniques including previous termnanonext term-lithography and chemical etching [27]. A common characteristic of top-down technologies is the removal of material from bulk material to create the final product. In contrast, bottom-up manufacturing is an assembly process [27]. Its goal is to create larger and more complex structures out of smaller basic components. Within the bottom-up approach, there are two distinct models. The first is the assembly of discrete blocks much like a brick wall is assembled from individual bricks or a virus capsid is assembled from individual protein blocks [28]. The concept here is that larger structures are built up from smaller discrete component parts or building blocks. Often in nature, as in the case of a virus, this is accomplished through methods of self-assembly. As defined by Fryxell [29]: “Self-assembly is the spontaneous aggregation of molecules (or particles) to form ordered, organized arrays. This aggregation can be driven by a number of different attractive forces, such as van der Waal’s attractive forces, Coulombic attraction, dipole–dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding, and acid–base interactions. Self-assembly can be used to create sheets, ribbons, helixes and complex three-dimensional architectures, based on the nature and orientation of these intermolecular forces.” The second model is analogous to the way a fingernail grows, new structural material is added continually, in this case the protein keratin. The newly formed material merges with the existing structure, pushing the nail further out [30]. The continuous deposition of new material onto existing materials offers a second model distinct from assembly of discrete units. This process more resembles structural growth.

1.2. Nanotechnology in construction

According to the Nanoforum report: Nanotechnology and Construction [31], the use of nanotechnology in construction has so far been focused on enhancing the characteristics of construction materials, including concrete, steel, coatings and glass, leading to low maintenance windows, long lasting scratch resistant floors, super strong structural components, improved longer lasting facade paint, self-cleaning facades and windows, antimicrobial steel surfaces, improved industrial building maintenance, buildings with lower energy consumption, and better durability. Two previous termnanonext term-sized particles that stand out in their application to construction materials are titanium dioxide (TiO2) and CNT. TiO2 is being used for its ability to break down dirt or pollution and then allow it to be washed off by rain water on everything from concrete to glass, and CNT are being used to strengthen and monitor concrete [31]. Envisaged gains of using nanomaterials in construction are thus to allow product manufacturers to offer longer product warranties, building owners to enjoy lower maintenance costs, and consumers to expect houses that maintain themselves. But research and development of nanotechnology in construction is not as extensive as in other areas. According to the Nanoconex EU project report [32] two factors severely impact research and technological development in construction in general and on the exploitation of nanotechnology in particular: (1) the inherently different nature of construction compared with other sectors of manufacturing industry and (2) historically very low levels of investment by the construction industry into research.

In the Roadmap for development of nanotechnology in construction, Bartos [33] analyzes the current state and according to available resources plots the future development in this area. However he also points out the importance “to appreciate that the ‘routes/pathways’ shown in the charts are in many instances only now being formed or traced. Additional ones may develop in due course, and may not even exist as yet.” Bartos expects that the greatest impact on the construction industry and the economy within the timescale of the Roadmap (2004–2030+) is to come from an enhancement in performance of materials, which is a very strong driver of research and technological development in construction. The eventual total impact in construction is expected to be very substantial, due not necessarily to radical technological leaps forward but mainly to the massive quantities of basic (‘bulk’) construction materials used. According to Bartos the following aims and destinations are expected to be of significance for construction in the medium to long term:

• Understanding basic phenomena (interactions, processes) at nanoscale (e.g., cement hydration and formation of previous termnanonext term-structures).

• Bulk ‘traditional’ construction materials with a modified previous termnanonext term-structure (e.g., concrete, bitumen).

• New high performance structural materials (e.g., CNT, new previous termfibernext term reinforcements, biomimetic materials, etc.).

• High performance new coatings, paints and thin films (e.g., wear-resistant coating, durable paints, self-cleaning/anti-bacteria coatings).

• New multi-functional materials and components (e.g., aerogel based insulating materials).

• New production techniques, tools and controls (e.g. more energy-efficient and environmental friendly production of materials and structures, novel processes with more intelligent and integrated control systems, etc.).

• Intelligent structures and use of micro/nanosensors (e.g., previous termnanonext term-electromechanical systems, biomimetic sensors, paint-on sensors).

• Integrated monitoring and diagnostic systems.

• Energy saving lighting, fuel cells and communication devices.

Furthermore, papers presented at the 3rd Nanotechnology in Construction Conference are showing the current research and technological development, which includes nanotechnology and cementitious materials [34], concrete nanoscience and nanotechnology [35], application of nanofibers [36], and use of other nanomaterials to improve characteristics of building materials. There is, however, no discussion on previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building. Many barriers exist that prevent nanomanufacturing on the meter scale, especially if we try to simply scale-up the existing nanotechnology. The production processes and characterization equipment to monitor parameters that impact quality are inadequate. There is also a lack of scalable unit operations as well as the inability to retain nanoparticle functionality as the materials are incorporated into products [37]. Therefore we have to invent new concepts to scale-up nanoproduction of buildings.

1.3. 3D printing

One specific technology that is close to our concept is 3D printing. In general 3D printing is a process of depositing slices of material on the desired area and gradually composing a 3D structure. 3D printing is being considered for operation on a molecular level as described in the Roadmap [38]. 3D previous termnanonext term-printing as well as 3D previous termnanonext term-lithography differ, however, significantly from the previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building concept as they require the building material to exist on or be brought to the production surface. Both 3D previous termnanonext term-printing methods are not expected to build products on the scale of a house. We could not find any concept that would seriously consider using nanomanufacturing on the meter scale.

There are, however, successful 3D printing attempts, which occur on a much larger scale. Shiro Studio printed a 3 × 3 m model of a pavilion using a new robotic building system called d_shape [39]. The material is produced using binder, “which transforms any kind of sand into a marble-like material (i.e., a mineral with microcrystalline characteristics) and with a resistance and traction much superior to Portland cement, so much so that there is no need to use iron to reinforce the structure.” d_shape products are limited to 6 × 6 m cubes.

Another system of automated production called Contour Crafting has been developed at the University of Southern California’s Center for Rapid Automated Fabrication Technologies. Concrete and gypsum are used as the basic material. Strain gauges and other “smart” components can be embedded within walls and the composition of structures can be varied by layering in different materials during construction. Metal reinforcement, plumbing, electrical systems, and tiling can also be automated [40].

d_shape and Contour Crafting use sophisticated equipment for production and need the building material to be transported to the building site in a conventional way. They do, however, represent an important contribution to more efficient, automated building.

1.4. Biological technology

Biotechnology refers to using organisms or biological substances to solve problems and make useful products. Biotechnology by itself is not something new and biotechnological products and processes have been used intentionally for millennia; we can even say that our civilization depends on biotechnology. In narrow terms we can recognize biotechnology in ancient procedures as using yeast in brewing beer or raising bread, and microorganisms in the fermentation of milk. In broader terms, agriculture is a fine example of biotechnology where plants are used to produce something useful, like drugs, food, fuels, building materials, etc.

Organisms used in biotechnological processes are only rarely used in their original forms. More often their genome was altered towards better yields, improved quality of products, physical properties, etc. Before the era of genetic engineering, processes like selection, crossing or induced mutations to produce new genes or combinations of them were used. All these processes are time-consuming and depend on chance and good luck, with the additional barrier of combining genes from unrelated organisms, which are reproductively isolated from each other. Many of the barriers are nowadays routinely crossed using tools from genetic engineering to modify existing genes of single organisms or transfer genes between organisms. Organisms like bacteria Escherichia coli produce insulin [41] or herbicide-tolerant crops [42] and are in commercial use. New genetically modified organisms are in testing phases or foreseen to be introduced in commercial use.

Even though the technologies for previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building do not yet exist in a synthetic, human-controllable fashion, there are plenty of examples in nature and in practice that suggest that a previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building process may become a reality in the future.

2. The concept of building from previous termnanonext term to meter-scale

A top-down concept has been developed following certain suppositions, which are closely related to our motivation to reduce waste, pollution and energy consumption caused by traditional building technologies. The first supposition was to use materials that exist on site and can be transformed into building materials at the previous termnanonext term level. As discussed in the previous section, CNT have extraordinary characteristics, which can be varied using today’s production nanotechnologies. As carbon exists in nature in vast amounts, the next supposition is to extract it from CO2 from the air. The building process is to be executed at the nanolevel using active nanodevices that shall be controlled extrinsically using a detailed building information model (BIM) as the source of all necessary information.

These suppositions suggest the following conceptual solution:

1. The fundamental building process is occurring at the nanolevel by multifunctional nanodevices (nanorobots), which are capable of
• capturing CO2 from the air and extracting C molecules from it, releasing O2 back into the air, and

• building 3D carbon nanotube arrays with characteristics required for a specific area of the building (strength, conductivity, color, transparency, etc.).

2. Nanorobots are controlled and powered externally by light. Instructions are coded using specific wavelengths.

3. Light is emitted by a projector installed above the site. To avoid interference with light emitted by other sources, an adequate wavelength spectrum has to be chosen.

4. The projector uses the detailed BIM model as input, and continuously projects the horizontal section, which is constantly moving from the bottom to the top of the model (see

[Fig. 1]
[Fig. 2]

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Fig. 1. 

Projection of light-encoded instructions to the nanoproduction layer on the already built area.

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Fig. 2. 

A phase in the previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building process.

5. Openings of the final model are temporarily filled with unstable carbon nanomaterial, which transforms back into CO2 after a specific time period (or under specific conditions), when its function as a supporting structure is fulfilled.

6. All utilities and coatings (if necessary) are built at the same time, together with the bearing structure (e.g. pipelines, power lines, communication lines), and are part of the building.

The building process consists of the following steps:

1. Developing a detailed BIM model with all necessary utilities and coatings, as well as temporary supports (these can be added automatically after the building model is finished by following a rule that every part of the structure has to be vertically supported down to the base level).

2. Site preparation (excavation, projector installation).

3. Deploying nanorobots onto the maximal extent of the building layout.

4. Starting the process by continuously emitting instructions (represented as specific light wavelengths) to build 3D CNT arrays with required characteristics, until the top of the building is reached.

5. After the light is off for a certain time, the nanorobots stop functioning permanently, thus preventing any unwanted activity after the process is finished.

The load bearing material is placed as necessary during construction, therefore any temporary supporting material can dissolve after the building is finished. It out gases from the structure in the form of CO2 resulting in a habitable structure. Even windows could be “built-in” during the process utilizing transparent CNT sheets, as well as additional utilities. It is, however, too early to explore in great detail all the effects of previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building. Nevertheless, several of the key technologies that are required can already be specified.

3. Required technologies

From the presented concept we can derive the main required technologies. In this section we will elaborate on these technologies in more detail and compare them with existing technologies and trends in relevant research areas.

3.1. The building material

The following characteristics are required for the proposed previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building material:

1. Able to develop bearing strength quickly (for bearing of loads).

2. Conductive or insulating as required (for power and communication).

3. Chemically resistant (for coatings and pipes).

4. Able to adjust surface properties like color (for coatings).

5. Able to adjust transparency (for lighting).

6. Stable and inert at typical temperature ranges.

7. Assembly in all three dimensions.

8. Able to be self-decomposing (for decomposition of temporary supporting structures).

CNT possess many of the properties one would choose in designing an ideal structural material. They have a very high strength to weight ratio, are stable and inert at a wide range of temperatures, and can have varying degrees of conductivity based on their geometric properties. However, one challenge in utilizing CNT in meter-scale building is finding a natural configuration of nanotubes that allows for unlimited assembly in all three spatial dimensions while retaining the aforementioned properties. One very promising family of configurations can be found in Schwarzite structures, named so in honor of the mathematician H.A. Schwarz who first explored similar triply periodic minimal surfaces [43].

Schwarzite structures are a class of fullerenes that exhibit negative Gaussian curvature [44]. They are produced by the insertion of heptagonal and octagonal rings into the graphene lattice otherwise containing only hexagons [44]. It is these lattice deformities that produce the negative curvature necessary to create a structure that has symmetries in three spatial dimensions. In contrast, spherical fullerenes such as C60 contain pentagon rings that produce a positive curvature leading to a closed structure. The spatial symmetries of Schwarzite structures fulfill the necessary requirement of unlimited assembly in three dimensions. In addition, Schwarzite structures are stiff and can be either conductive or insulating depending on their topology [45]. Fig. 3 shows a possible nanotube configuration to be used as a nanoscale building block. The tube junctions are Schwarzite structures that have been connected by single-wall CNT of similar diameter.

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Fig. 3. 

Hydrogen terminated 3D carbon nanotube array; dimensions are 8 nm × 8 nm × 8 nm, density is 182 Kg/m3.

3.1.1. Energy requirements

To get a rough comparison with a traditional building we have estimated the embodied energy for both approaches. Regarding traditional buildings, Suzuki et al. [46] applied basic sector classification input/output analysis to quantify the total energy consumption and CO2 emissions including direct and indirect effects due to the construction of various types of houses. As a result, energy consumption for construction is calculated as 8–10 GJ/m2 of floor area for multi-family steel reinforced concrete houses, 3 GJ for wooden single-family houses, and 4.5 GJ for lightweight steel structure single-family houses. CO2 emissions resulting from construction are 850, 250 and 400 kg/m2, respectively.

The energy required to obtain carbon from the atmosphere sufficient to synthesize 1 m3 of Schwarzite material is approximately 129 GJ. This energy is based on a maximum array density, i.e., Schwarzite junctions are connected directly without single-wall carbon nanotube spacers. This energy requirement would drop if the density of the building material is decreased and would be approximately 3.6 GJ for the material shown in Fig. 3. To compare with the required energy used for traditional buildings, we need to estimate the ratio between floor area of the building and the volume of the material built into it. In traditional buildings, this ratio is between 1 and 2, but for a CNT construction it can be estimated at least as high as 3 as its load-bearing capacity is much higher. In this case, the energy consumption for a square meter of a building built of 3D CNT array material (as shown in Fig. 3) would be around 1 GJ. In comparison, extensive bamboo growth utilizes approximately 1 GJ of energy (sun light) to produce a m3 of cellulose (a rough calculation was made by the authors taking into consideration average solar energy per m2, plant energy use efficiency, estimated area of leaves, and bamboo volumetric growth). Hence, it appears feasible, in most cases, from the perspective of energy availability to use energy sources that are locally available.

3.1.2. The source of the raw material

As stressed already, carbon, the raw material for producing CNT, should be extracted from the CO2 in the air. Our first consideration was whether it is possible to gain enough carbon from the air for the process to create a building in reasonable time. Calculations confirm that this indeed seems possible (note that growing trees do this as well). The CO2 quantity in the air is 0.00076626 kg/m3 or approximately 1 g/m3. The quantity of carbon is thus 0.0002088 kg/m3 or approx. 0.2 g/m3. Regarding the density of CNT, which is approximately 1400 kg/m3, for 1 m3 of CNT 6.7 × 106 m3 of air is needed. This quantity seems enormous, however, with the air speed of just 1 m/s, the quantity required for a 1 m high structure can be extracted in 78 days. A faster air flow would of course speed up the process in a linear way. The density of 3D CNT array is much lower. The structure shown in Fig. 3 has a density of 182 kg/m3, which reduces the calculated values by 87%. 8.7 × 105 m3 of air contains the adequate quantity of carbon to produce 1 m3 of such material.

As CO2 is heavier than other gases in the air, its molecules tend to fall to the Earth’s surface. So the CO2 molecules will always flow towards the ground and thus neutralize the effect of CO2 reduction through its decomposition. Capturing of carbon and production of CNT is the primary function of the bionanorobots.

3.2. Bionanorobots

For the extrinsically controlled previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building process presented above the bionanorobots would have to be able to:

1. Recognize different wavelengths and compile them into instructions.

2. Transform light energy into working energy.

3. Extract CO2 molecules from the air and decompose them into C and O2.

4. Build 3D CNT arrays using C molecules.

In traditional buildings using natural biological sources (wood, bamboo, straw) the first phase is harvesting energy and materials produced in the process of photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, plants chemically bind carbon dioxide and water to produce sugars. These are a source of building blocks for other carbohydrates like starch or cellulose, as carbon is the backbone in combination with other minerals to produce a great number of molecules in a range from simple molecules, like formic acid, to multi-chain proteins, and as a source of chemical energy to power all these processes. In the second phase, the building materials produced by plants are processed (e.g., wood cut into logs) and transported to the building area. In the third phase, building materials are assembled by the workers and machines into a building, using information from design plans. To our knowledge, there exists no biotechnology at the moment, which would self-assemble any kind of building blocks into a meter-scale building. But research in the fields of synthetic biology (e.g. [47] and [41]) and biotechnology is promising and many concepts can be seen as forerunners for such a building process.

The first step is to provide the needed quantity of building materials and energy to drive the process. In nature, photosynthesis is the major source of organic materials, which are used as the building blocks of organisms, and as the storage of energy, using materials from the location where a photosynthetic organism (plant, bacteria) is living. So the first choice would be to search inside the plant or bacteria kingdoms. One problem we can foresee is that photosynthesis yields only less than 10% of available energy and is locally affected by the quantity and quality of light, weather conditions, latitude, shadows, etc. [48]. At the moment, different research groups are working on artificial photosynthesis [49] to improve energetic yield and to store light energy into something more appropriate to be used as fuel such as cellulose or starch; findings which could contribute to the n2mb concept.

After the recognition that at the chemical level DNA is basically identical in all organisms, and that all organisms share (with a few exceptions) the same genetic code, it was only a matter of technology to change the genetic sequence in one organism, or to cut a sequence (gene) from one organism and insert it into another to produce something new and useful. Many such organisms are already in use or are foreseen (e.g. [50], [51] and [52]). In such a manner, the ability of cells to build microtubules [53] may be used to assemble CNT, and a technology once developed in one organism transferred to others. On the other hand, cells are already well able to produce cellulose. Therefore, homogenous wood-like microbial cellulose could be an intermediate building material produced by bionanorobots in the previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building process.

Another issue is the control of assembling of building blocks, or the growth direction of such a building. In living organisms, basic principles, but not details, are well known and many internal or external regulatory mechanisms (e.g. [54] and [55]) are included in growing an organism from single cell stadium (e.g., fertilized egg, bud) toward a multi-cellular organism built from genetically identical, but phenotypically very different cells [56] and [57]. To assemble a building from a single dividing cell (nanorobot) its gene (information) sequence for such a building has to consist of a number of subsequences, which should be assembled in preferred order and with the possibility to be switched off/on when an action has to be stopped or the next step is to be taken (e.g., growing walls has to be stopped to build horizontal ceilings). Basu et al. [58] designed a synthetic multicellular system in which genetically engineered ‘receiver’ cells are programmed to form ring-like patterns of differentiation based on a chemical signal that is synthesized by the ‘sender’ cells.

Biotechnology is also able to modify bacteria to react to light in a required way. An E. coli bacterial system has been designed that is switched between different states by red light [59]. Tabor et al. [60] have genetically encoded an edge detection algorithm that programs an isogenic community of E. coli to sense an image of light, communicate to identify the light–dark edges, and visually present the result of the computation.

As a conclusion, we can optimistically search for engineering modules produced for different purposes in developing fields of synthetic biology and biotechnology to assemble them in a new sequence with a building as the end product.

3.3. Building information model (BIM) and previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building equipment

In the previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building process, the main human activity is to create a detailed digital model of the building. BIM technology of today, including detailed 3D geometry and material properties, perfectly fits the requirements of previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building. There are, however, some additional demands:

1. Architectural elements have to merge into a single load bearing homogeneous structure, which is to be built-in one step, without rebar or other load bearing reinforcements; there is no need to separate beams, columns, walls, etc.

2. All utilities have to be designed together with the architectural elements in final details; they all become solid volumes with specific characteristics (conductivity, transparency, insulation, etc.).

3. Temporary supporting material has to be filled in all parts of the building, where any part of the structure exists on a higher vertical level (rooms, niches, pipes, etc.).

Existing BIM modeling tools can be used to design the digital model of the building, which includes architectural elements, electrical wiring, water pipes, plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and all other utility systems [61]. The model can be stored in a format, which supports the description of a BIM, as for example by using the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) schema. The design process will not have to undergo any radical changes from the technical perspective, but it will have to be more collaborative and much more accurate, since a construction-ready building information model must be produced. On the other hand, changes could be made up to the moment before the projector instructs the bionanorobots to build CNT structures with particular characteristics in a particular location.

One important difference, however, is the structural sub model of the building. In the current BIM practice the structural model is derived from the architectural model by identifying the load bearing elements and defining their interconnections, and by adding data, which is essential for structural analysis. In case of n2m building all architectural elements, merged into a single homogenous structure, are load bearing. As the whole structure is of perfectly homogenous material finite element method based structural analysis software can be used directly to check the structural characteristics of the building. No optimization methods are required to minimize the dimensions of the structure as this does not affect the cost of the building, neither is it important for the weight of the structure as the n2mb CNT material is extremely light (see Fig. 3).

The next step in the n2mb process is to prepare the BIM model for production. First, all BIM structures with a defined geometry (e.g. HVAC shafts, water pipes and electrical wires within walls) are merged and transformed into a single solid geometry model (geometry consistency check can be performed in this step). CNT material code is added to each closed volume according to its function (load bearing, electrically conductive, etc.) Then the temporary supporting material is filled into all empty spaces below any part of the solid model (which is a much simpler case than today’s design, construction, and dismantling of temporary structures [62]). This includes filling HVAC shafts, water and plumbing pipes, etc. Generating the n2mb production model can be fully automated, as it does not require any human decisions. Existing geometric IFC structures can be used to represent this model.

In the final step of the process the n2mb solid model is sent to the projector, which continuously slices the 3D model into 2D sections and projects them onto the production plane. Fig. 4 illustrates the transformation of data in the information flow of the n2mb process.

Full-size image (56K) - Opens new windowFull-size image (56K)

Fig. 4. 

Information flow in the n2mb process.

The equipment that is to be used for the extrinsic control of the previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building process consists of a light projector with a reliable power supply and stable geometrical position, which is crucial for achieving the desired precision of all details of the building. The projector also has to have a built-in computer that controls the light projection and thus the whole process of previous termnanonext term- to meter-scale building. It is connected to another computer on site, which is used to enter data (to transmit the n2mb production model to the projector) and to monitor the process. No other equipment is required.

4. Conclusions

We are aware that the realization of previous termnanonext term-to-meter scale automated building will require many more years of research in the areas of biotechnology (bionanorobots), nanomaterials (3D CNT arrays), physics (light projector), and construction informatics (detailed and appropriate building information models and modeling tools, building technology system). Intermediate results will probably lead to useful applications (e.g. bionanorobots producing building materials based on cellulose), and alternative concepts will surely arise with different solutions for production of carbon nanomaterials (e.g. nanomanufacturing based on self-assembly). Alternative approaches to building control, like intrinsically controlled processes, where bionanorobots would only follow internal programs and decide their actions according to information exchanged with their neighbors and data they would sense from their close surroundings might prove to be a better way. Alternative ways will, however, open new questions. In the intrinsic variation of the n2m building concept a new problem would emerge on transforming an exact digital model of a building into local bionanorobots models and programs. This could alter the presented concepts in the future, but not the ecological goals that have been set and which should bring the building industry to a clean and sustainable way of future building, based entirely on the building information model, information flow from the model to each bionanorobot, on the nanotransformation of matter, and on the materials existing on site. If this paper helps motivate researchers to focus their work to find solutions for the required technologies, as well as the building industry to believe in the need and the ability to change the building production, it has achieved our first important goal.


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